75.4 Kg this morning, so slight loss, and just entering the top end of ideal weight. So I really believe that its manufactured food and supermarket temptation that makes a lot of people overweight. It’s so easy to buy more than you need because the pack is too big, or its its cheaper to buy 3. Then once you’ve bought it it’s easy to eat it. I was shocked to hear that the doctor in charge of the ward for clinically obese people in Sunderland say that he couldn’t stop the sweets and drinks trolly coming round. But there’s worse. The patient who had failed to loose weight said he had only bought juice and fizzy drinks, not sweets. The doctors reaction was that he must have bought sweets. The 50’s style diet I am recommending has tea coffee cocoa and milk to drink, although I do have a couple of whiskeys with orange juice a week I don’t claim that that helps weight loss. Does the doctor really not thnk that drinks, supermarket style, can keep you fat? The juice made from reconstituted pulp has probably lost most of its vitamin C.
Diet update