The Revolutionary government will follow Denmark’s lead and ban artificial trans-fat. We know that fatness arrived in America and spread to England in the early 1980s, it has spread to France since 2000. It is incredible how much the official science is contradictory. I’ve done a lot of research and my conclusions are this. A 1950s traditional diet won’t make you fat if you eat the same quantities as people dit in the 1950s and get the same excersise. It isn’t quite as healthy, as regards heard disease as traditional French and Spanish diets. The important differences in the 1950s are these. Food wasn’t put into plastic. Some plastic bottles have oestrogen type chemicals in them. Certainly a factor in Man-boobs. The revolutionary government will ban these plastics for food use. Milk, juice, soft drinks and alcoholic drinks will only be sold in returnable deposit, glass bottles.
The 1950s diet contained very few manufactured foods, eating out was rare, and fast food unknown. Lets be clear, we know a 50s diet works, so lets not make any changes to it on the basis of slimming. For health we need a balanced diet, protein, fats and carbohydrates, and we need them in the form of food, not chemicals. Fats need to be a mixture of animal and vegitable. Lard, dripping, duck-fat, salted butter, suet, and the fat contained in cheese, milk, oats, bread, seeds, etc. We need different kinds of fat, and the quantity needs to controlled to a certain extent. Too much of one kind can use up enzymes needed to digest the other. Its very important not to eat foods with hidden fats sugar or salt. Most restaurant, take-away or ready-meals these items. I think a simple way to keep to the amounts is only to buy the amount allocated, just like as if it was on ration, like in the late 1940s; This is surprisingly hard to do these days. Supermarkets try really hard to make you buy more.
The quantities are, per person per week Bacon/ham 100g, butter 50g, cheese 200g, lard 100g, other fat/oil 100g, milk 4 litres, a tin of fish, 5 eggs, 200g of dried fruit, half a chicken, 125g of minced beef or stewing steak, 125g of offal (liver kidneys..) no specific limit, fresh fish, granery bread, vegitables, including potatoes, salad, fruit though is limited to one a day, an apple or pear, for example, a handfull of smaller fruits, but more if you pick them yourself.
You don’t need to keep salted butter and hard cheese in the fridge, butter is easier to spread if you don’t and cheese has more taste.