The diet appears to work.

I have personally been trying the diet I have recommended, or at least as near as practically possible. We have allocated for the 2 of us, per week, 200g of bacon, 100g of butter, 500g of cheese, 200g of lard or oil, 8 litres of milk, 500g of sugar, 10 eggs, 7 euros worth of meat, a tin of fish, fresh mackerel, a meal of fresh fish, liver or 6 sausages, unlimited homemade cereal bread, a bagette, dried fruit, oats, 2 bowls of corflakes, 2 bowls of unsweatened muesli, a bottle of orange juice, a 7 cups of cocoa, and 7 cups of coffee, unlimited vegetables, and flour, but only one large fruit, say a nectarine or banana, per day, plus a punnet of strawberies or rasberries per week, 2 whiskys. We didn’t eat all of the allowance, and only the butter, required careful managing.

Result, lost about half a kilo per week, now 80.5 kilos, so we’ll see.

A diet for a normal weight, what you must eat.

Vegitables are freely available on this diet, as on many other diets. Fruit is not. This is because the main causes of weight gain are eating too much carbohydrate and sugars, simple overeating, and eating manufactured foods with concealed ingredients and chemicals. Sugar itself isn’t the worst kind of sugar, fructose (fruit sugar) is more fattening than sugar, fruit juice is worse, sweetened fruit juce is worse still, and corn syrup, dextro type compounds added by manufactureres are worse still. So absolutely no 5 a day.
You must eat some vegitables, including some root vegitables especially carrots, but also suede, parsnip etc., you must include some leafy green vegitables such as lettuce, purple sprouting brocoli, spinach, but also leeks, peas, radish, runner beans, broad beans, whatever is in season. Rhubarb is classed as a vegitable. Potatoes are an excellent form of carbohydrate, You can have jacket potatos, mashed, roast, chips, if you have the fat left from your allowance. Duck fat makes excellent roast potatoes. You can make gravy of course, using dripping for example. You must eat somwhere near you allowace of meat, and fat.
You can substitute off ration protein foods for the bacon, ham, and sausages, such as rabbit, shell-fish etc. Some of your fat can be in the form of oil such as vergin olive oil, but remember, oils are best not heated, for frying you should use animal fat, its less likely to to form free radicals, which carry a cancer risk. You must eat something containing calcium such as cheese or milk, or lots of leafy greens. You must get some sunlight on you each day, but only for very short periods in the middle of the day in the middle of the year. You must eat some oily fish each week.

A diet for a normal weight 2.

The meat portion was originally rationed by price at 1/2 per person per week or £ 2.31 in todays money. You can use this instead of the 1/2 chicken  + mince.
There is an allowance of sugar of 200g, you can use this for cakes or parhaps a bar of dark chocolate, remember to reduce your fat allowance for the amount of fat in the chocolate. There is a beer allowance of half a pint a day of real ale, or I would suggest a bottle  per week of wine. There is no allowance for any soft drinks, not even calorie free or fruit juice and certainly not smoothies. You can substitute freshly pressed fruit juice in a glass container for the beer allowance. Standard tea isn’t limited, but anything you add is counted from your allowance. Count honey as sugar. Coffee is limited to 4 cups and not after 6 in the evening. One cup of cocoa is allowed, as also is water from the tap. Bottled water must be in glass bottles. You can flavour water with a tiny drop of lemon or lime juice if you wish.

A diet for a normal weight.

The Revolutionary government will follow Denmark’s lead and ban artificial trans-fat. We know that fatness arrived in America and spread to England in the early 1980s, it has spread to France since 2000. It is incredible how much the official science is contradictory. I’ve done a lot of research and my conclusions are this. A 1950s traditional diet won’t make you fat if you eat the same quantities as people dit in the 1950s and get the same excersise. It isn’t quite as healthy, as regards heard disease as traditional French and Spanish diets. The important differences in the 1950s are these. Food wasn’t put into plastic. Some plastic bottles have oestrogen type chemicals in them. Certainly a factor in Man-boobs. The revolutionary government will ban these plastics for food use. Milk, juice, soft drinks and alcoholic drinks will only be sold in returnable deposit, glass bottles.
The 1950s diet contained very few manufactured foods, eating out was rare, and fast food unknown. Lets be clear, we know a 50s diet works, so lets not make any changes to it on the basis of slimming. For health we need a balanced diet, protein, fats and carbohydrates, and we need them in the form of food, not chemicals. Fats need to be a mixture of animal and vegitable. Lard, dripping, duck-fat, salted butter, suet, and the fat contained in cheese, milk, oats, bread, seeds, etc. We need different kinds of fat, and the quantity needs to controlled to a certain extent. Too much of one kind can use up enzymes needed to digest the other. Its very important not to eat foods with hidden fats sugar or salt. Most restaurant, take-away or ready-meals these items. I think a simple way to keep to the amounts is only to buy the amount allocated, just like as if it was on ration, like in the late 1940s; This is surprisingly hard to do these days. Supermarkets try really hard to make you buy more.
The quantities are, per person per week Bacon/ham 100g, butter 50g, cheese 200g, lard 100g, other fat/oil 100g, milk 4 litres, a tin of fish, 5 eggs, 200g of dried fruit, half a chicken, 125g of minced beef or stewing steak, 125g of offal (liver kidneys..) no specific limit, fresh fish, granery bread, vegitables, including potatoes, salad, fruit though is limited to  one a day, an apple or pear, for example, a handfull of smaller fruits, but more if you pick them yourself.
You don’t need to keep salted butter and hard cheese in  the fridge, butter is easier to spread if you don’t and cheese has more taste.


Lets start to work out what we should eat to stay healthy, and a normal weight, and we’ll see why most of us don’t in fact eat like we should.

A few facts. The present diet in England is more fattening than a 1950s diet and probably not any healthier. Overall health has improved, but this can be explained by improvements in medical techniques and particularly a reduction in infant deaths. The ending of coal burning in cities has eliminated smog. Petrol no longer contains lead. Cars are also built to be safer, and regulation has improved driving standards. Less people smoke.

Certain elements of the traditional Mediterranean and French diets seem to lead to lower levels of heart disease.

There is no evidence that a 1950s diet wouldn’t maintain a steady weight and health standard. Of all the debate about fats, there is one definate conclusion. Trans-fats cause disease. You get them from manufactured food, from restaurants and supermarkets. Food  direct from the farmer, or your garden does not contain them. They should be banned.

Diet, Supermarkets

There is no evidence to show that eating snacks between meals reuces the amount we eat at the next meal. The idea of eating snacks whilst working or walking along is new and has been sold to us by television advertising. Well more or less anyway. The first action to stop weight gain is not to have food constantly pushed at us. So snacks such as chocolate bars and crisps should be sold as they were 50 years ago. In the case of crisps that was in packets of 28 grams or slightly less. No more multi packs or large packs, and no extra charge for buying fewer packs. If a six-pack is £1.20 then 2 packs should be 0.40p. You can still buy 6 packs if you like and eat them all yourself, but at least you will know, that that’s a lot to eat, and not a “saving” by buying in bulk.

Don’t go on a diet, what about surgery?

There are many myths about diets. So here are the observable facts. Long term they very rarely work. Low carbohydrate diets work quite well short term, but are impossible to stick to and can cause health problems. Great motivation is required.

The more you eat the more your stomach swells and the more you feel hungry, isn’t exactly true, but it does give you the idea. Operations to reduce the size of your stomach can actually work long term. There are health risks but if your situation is so bad that the heath risk from your weight or hiatus hernia (for example) is greater, The operation can be recommended. After the operation, it’s the pain and discomfort that you get if you eat more than a tiny amount of food that gives the motivation required, as mentioned earlier. Vitamin supplements are required.

It would be better if the governement took action to avoid this situation.

Don’t go on a diet, change the governement, it’s more effective

The increasing number of people, including children, who are overweight, is a great source of misery and causes various health problems. The really sad fact is that this problem is largely caused by government policy, and certainly could be eased by govenment action. If you are overweight, it’s almost certainly not your fault. I will explain.

First one simple fact. Up untill 1970 or therabouts very few people were overweight. So if you could eat exactly like English people ate in the 1950’s or 1960’s you would gradually come down to a normal weight, with very few exceptions.

It requires govenment action though for this even to be possible. Take a simple thing like milk. When I was a milkman in the early 1970’s most people still drank full cream pasteurised milk in a glass bottle. This would have come from mainly fresian cows, fed mailnly on grass and hay. The premium product was Channel Island milk because it had more cream. The people who drank it weren’t overweight. I looked recently for jobs as a milkman to get an idea of how wages have changed since decimilasion and was shocked to see that all the offers were not jobs as such, but some sort of franchise arrangement. Nowadays most milk is in cartons, reduced fat and homoginesed and comes from high yielding cows.